Welcome to my site. This site is not focused on a specific subject as I’ve been using it for different purposes during the years. Instead I’ve posted here a few things that I wanted to have online for my own use and also sharing them with other people.

I’m a Spanish self-taught Digital Artist with an extensive experience in texture painting and look development. I also enjoy modeling and doing more artistic work like digital painting and vector graphics.

In 1994 I got involved in the creation of a video game as a Texture Artist, mixing traditional painting techniques (gouache on paper) with computer retouches. Later on I started to work entirely with digital photographs , using a mixture of artistic and technical skills to develop my work in video games, cinematic trailers, commercials, TV movies and feature films.

Photography is been one of my favorites activities since the early 90s, when I had the chance to use a 1968 Mamiya/Sekor camera from my father. Many years later, digital photography provided me with the chance to use my own images to create textures. Because of the mutual influence between my work as a texture artist and photography, I developed a taste for the marks and colors that weathering and decay imprint on the surfaces of aging objects and buildings, and become fascinated with the details that close-up images reveal.

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